

UFC 175 Results: ‘Weidman vs. Machida’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Las Vegas at approximately 7:05 p.m. ET Saturday with live UFC 175 updates.

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Kevin Casey vs. Bubba Bush

Round 1

Bush takes a few seconds before charging forward on Casey, who lands a counter left hook that takes the legs out from under the Texan. Casey follows Bush to the ground, tries to pound him out with elbows, but Bush clings on from underneath. Casey sits up in Bush’s half guard and unloads with his left elbow, landing several heavy shots that slice Bush open and knock him unconscious.

The Official Result

Kevin Casey def. Bubba Bush via KO (Elbows) R1 1:01

Guilherme Vasconcelos vs. Luke Zachrich

Round 1

Zachrich is doing most of the work in the opening minute, tossing two- and three-punch combinations at Vasconcelos, who deflects most of the shots with a high guard. Zachrich is starting to find his mark now, cracking the Brazilian with a left hook and a right hand that reddens Vasconcelos’ forehead. Vasconcelos lands a body kick, and now Zachrich mixes it up with a shot to the body. Zachrich lands a crisp left hook on the end of a combo; Vasconcelos answers with a single kick to the American’s lead leg. Both middleweights score with hard left hooks in the pocket, and it’s Vasconcelos who comes away from the exchange grinning before Zachrich lands another. Zachrich pumps his jab, goes to the body and slips out of range. Vasconcelos presses forward to put a kick on Zachrich’s body, keeps coming and zaps Zachrich with a right straight. Zachrich sticks a body shot and doubles up on his jab before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Zachrich
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Zachrich
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Zachrich

Round 2

Zachrich’s jab is working for him early in round two, and now Vasconcelos stops coming forward and switches to his back foot. “Bomba” shoots for a takedown but has to back out when Zachrich stuffs it and threatens with a guillotine. Vasconcelos tries some kicks now, looking to go toe-to-toe with Zachrich, but the Ohioan’s left hand is overwhelming. Zachrich keeps pumping his jab in Vasconcelos’ face, mixes in a chopping leg kick and takes a left hook on the cheek. Zachrich connects with a left hook of his own and ducks low to avoid Vasconcelos’ counter. Good footwork and head movement are keeping Zachrich out of range of most of Vasconcelos’ shots.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Zachrich
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Zachrich
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Zachrich

Round 3

Zachrich puts a thumping kick on Vasconcelos’ ribs and circles out, then comes back to deliver a pair of punches to the gut. Vasconcelos tries to clinch up and again gets brushed away. Zachrich sweeps the leg out from under Vasconcelos and puts him on the mat, then allows Bomba to stand back up. Three minutes left in the fight, and the middleweights trade leg kicks as they move around the cage. Vasconcelos strings together a combination with a right hand on the end, then a left hook a moment later. Zachrich goes back to sticking his jab in Vasconcelos’ face and long right hands on the Brazilian’s body. Down to the final minute now, and Vasconcelos is trying to finish this fight. After he gets through with a combination, though, Zachrich goes on his back foot, staying out of Bomba’s range. Vasconcelos keeps coming and connects with a body kick and a right hand just before the horn, but it will likely be too little, too late.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Zachrich (30-27 Zachrich)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Zachrich (30-27 Zachrich)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Zachrich (30-27 Zachrich)

The Official Result

Luke Zachrich def. Guilherme Vasconcelos via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Rob Font vs. George Roop

Round 1

Font catches an early front kick from Roop but can’t keep hold. He rushes at the taller man to land a grazing overhand right, dips out and comes back to deliver a body kick to Roop’s left side. Roop lands a straight right and grabs hold of Font, then shoves him up against the fence to send a knee up the center. The bantamweights split after a few seconds, and Roop leans in to sock Font with a straight right upstairs. Font lands a body kick; Roop gives him one back on the legs. Font slips out of the way of a high kick and then comes back into range to blast Roop with a massive overhand right. Roop hits the ground in a daze, and Font lands one more shot before referee Chris Tognoni can intervene.

The Official Result

Rob Font def. George Roop via KO (Punch) R1 2:19

Chris Camozzi vs. Bruno Santos

Round 1

Santos tries to move into range but the taller Camozzi keeps him away with long front kicks. Now it’s Camozzi coming forward, landing a leg kick and creeping toward the Brazilian to graze with a right hook. The southpaw connects with a left hook and ducks out of range before Santos can counter. Santos’ punches are pulling up short, but he’s scoring with leg kicks while he waits on the outside. Camozzi blasts down the center with a straight right; Santos eats it and uses the opportunity to clinch with two minutes left in the round. Santos shoves Camozzi against the fence, so Camozzi digs an underhook and pushes Santos’ head away to escape. The sequence repeats, but this time Camozzi misses with the right hand before being pushed to the cage. Santos looks for an inside trip with double underhooks, can’t get it and drops levels to try a double-leg. Camozzi defends and makes Santos pay with an elbow to the head, then a knee when Santos stands up.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Camozzi
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Camozzi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Camozzi

Round 2

Santos lands a hard overhand in an early clinch, but Camozzi eats it and fires back. Thirty seconds into the round, Santos plows Camozzi to the ground with a double-leg. The middleweights scoot over toward the fence, and Camozzi puts Santos in his open guard. Camozzi looks to push off the cage with his feet, maybe angling for an armbar; When he can’t find an angle, the Coloradoan gets to work with elbows from underneath, including a particularly hard one that knocks out Santos’ mouthpiece. Santos gets it back from referee Mario Yamasaki, and when action resumes, the Brazilian looks to be framing up an arm-triangle choke. He advances to side control on Camozzi’s left, then tries to pass to full mount, but Camozzi puts him back in half guard. Camozzi is landing more hard elbows from his back now, but Santos nonetheless gets back to side control with about one minute left in the round. Camozzi gets to his feet for a split second and then gets tripped back down to the ground, where Santos is able to land a couple hard right hands before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Santos
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Santos
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Santos

Round 3

Camozzi keeps the fight standing for the first minute of round three, hitting Santos with kicks and some peppering jabs. Santos is making half-hearted grabs for Camozzi’s legs and lobbing the occasional power punch in the American’s direction. Two minutes in, Santos gets Camozzi near the fence and drives him to the canvas with a powerful double-leg. Camozzi grabs the fence on the way down and receives a warning from referee Yamasaki. Not much action from the middleweights on the mat, as Santos hugs Camozzi’s waist, and Camozzi unsuccessfully tries to inch up the fence. Camozzi tries a kimura that goes nowhere, gives it up and scrambles to his feet, eating a couple punches from Santos on the way. They’re back up with 60 seconds to go. Camozzi lands a couple jabs, and then Santos grabs an incoming knee to score another takedown with 40 seconds on the clock. There’s zero offense on the ground from Santos, but he’s able to keep Camozzi there until time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Santos (29-28 Santos)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Santos (29-28 Santos)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Santos (29-28 Santos)

The Official Result

Bruno Santos def. Chris Camozzi via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Ildemar Alcantara vs. Kenny Robertson

Round 1

Robertson lunges at the southpaw with wild punches; they don’t land, but they’re enough to get Robertson into range, allowing him to clinch and look for a takedown against the cage. Alcantara fends off the takedown with his back on the fence for 30 seconds or so, then gets tripped to the ground. Robertson sits up in the half guard of “Marajo,” drops a couple heavy right hands and looks to set up a brabo choke. Alcantara turtles up underneath, defending the choke and minimizing the space for Robertson’s attacks. Robertson repositions himself in Alcantara’s full guard and resumes his ground-and-pounding. Robertson stands up, has his wrists controlled by Alcantara from underneath, and opts to come back to the ground. He lays a forearm across Alcantara’s throat, then switches to a can opener, making things uncomfortable for the Brazilian as the round runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Robertson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Robertson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Robertson

Round 2

Alcantara lands a straight left, blocks a high kick and snuffs out a shot from Robertson in the opening minute. Robertson steps in to land a quick right, dips out and blocks a high kick on his right arm. Robertson is winging some wild punches now, but he thumps Alcantara’s body with a hard hook. Alcantara connects with a right hook that sends Robertson shooting. Robertson can’t get it on the first try, but after Alcantara sprawls, he winds up in side control on the kneeling Brazilian. Alcantara powers back up, only to be taken back down with two minutes left in the round. Robertson steps over to full mount 15 seconds later and begins unloading with punches. Alcantara gives up his back, then flips over again to put his back on the mat. Robertson jumps off to side control in order to crank a kimura on Alcantara’s right arm. The tap doesn’t come, so Robertson goes knee-on-belly and scores with ground-and-pound -- including some huge elbow strikes -- in the final seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Robertson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Robertson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Robertson

Round 3

Alcantara delivers a standing elbow and circles away as he tries to keep Robertson out of shooting range. Robertson tries a takedown, pushes Alcantara to the fence and lands a knee to the Brazilian’s groin. Referee Tognoni pauses the action, warns Robertson for the foul and checks on Alcantara. The fight resumes after 30 seconds or so, and Alcantara has a few more high kicks blocked before Robertson backs up the taller man with a right hand. Alcantara hits Robertson with a knee to the body and sprawls on a shot; on the way up, Robertson lands another knee south of the border. Tognoni gives Robertson a final warning, and the action is back underway after a few seconds. It’s Alcantara with a takedown this time, though he only stays on top for a few seconds before Robertson sweeps. Robertson sits in Alcantara’s half guard with 90 seconds left, swinging with sporadic punches. Referee Tognoni stands them up with 10 seconds remaining, and Alcantara shoves Robertson to the ground just before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Robertson (30-26 Robertson)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Robertson (30-27 Robertson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Robertson (30-26 Robertson)

The Official Result

Kenny Robertson def. Ildemar Alcantara via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-26) R3 5:00

Urijah Faber vs. Alex Caceres

Round 1

Faber catches the first leg kick from Caceres and pulls him to the ground, but “Bruce Leroy” pops right back up and tussles with the former WEC champ in the clinch. Faber looks for a takedown on the fence, so Caceres breaks out and somersaults away. Faber follows and wraps up Caceres on the fence, then clinches again and drags him to the ground. Faber is heavy on top, keeping Caceres pressed against the cage to deliver some short-but-heavy elbows and right hands. Caceres keeps his guard open and tries to wrap up Faber’s arms, but he’s not finding much success. Faber lifts and slams Caceres with 90 seconds left in the round, and now the pace slows momentarily. Faber gets active at the 45-second mark with right hands to the body and rough elbows up top. Caceres kicks him away and stands in the waning seconds of the round, so Faber comes back to the clinch and knees Caceres in the gut.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Faber
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Faber
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Faber

Round 2

Faber charges at Caceres and lands an overhand right that draws a smile from “The Ultimate Fighter” veteran. Another takedown for the “California Kid” follows shortly after, but this time Caceres is able to use wrist control and butterfly guard to push Faber away and scramble to his feet. Caceres steps in with a lead uppercut-straight left combination that tags Faber near the fence. Faber catches a kick and trips Caceres to the ground, but they’re back up a second later. Faber spins to the back and grabs hold of Caceres’ back, so Caceres spins around to pop Faber with a knee to the gut. Faber takes the outside position, then changes levels and tosses Caceres to the canvas midway through the round. Again, Caceres is able to stand quickly. Caceres’ left high kick is blocked, but he cracks Faber with a nice left cross. Caceres spins into range with a round kick and gets clinched up again, then tossed to the ground. Caceres scrambles up before Faber can establish top position. It’s another clinch from Faber with 40 seconds to go, and that’s where the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Faber
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Faber
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Faber

Round 3

Caceres is on his back foot early in round three, looking to counter, but he misses as he tries a Superman punch off the fence. Caceres initiates a clinch on the fence but soon breaks away. After taking a few leg kicks, Faber catches the right leg of Caceres, pops him with a pair of right hands and hustles him to the ground. Caceres gives up his back in the ensuing scramble, and Faber wastes no time in securing back control and applying a rear-naked choke. With his left arm trapped by Faber’s legs, Caceres has no choice but to tap out.

The Official Result

Urijah Faber def. Alex Caceres via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R3 1:09

Marcus Brimage vs. Russell Doane

Round 1

Doane strikes first, dipping inside with a speedy combination, but Brimage seems to block the shots with his gloves. Brimage lands a leg kick, dodges a right hand, but gets taken down by Doane about one minute into the round. Doane quickly passes to side control, then looks for a brabo choke as Brimage rolls to his knees. The Hawaiian switches tactics and starts dropping right hands until Brimage fully surrenders his back. The fighters are in the center of the cage with their right sides to the canvas, and now Doane has both hooks in place. Doane tries a rear-naked choke, can’t get it and rolls Brimage to his stomach to deliver a couple punches. Brimage rolls to his side and continues defending the RNC as the round enters its final two minutes. This continues for a while until, with 50 seconds on the clock, Brimage powers back to his feet. Brimage lands a grazing left hand and a pair of inside leg kicks to finish the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Doane
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Doane
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Doane

Round 2

Brimage gets back to work with his hard leg kicks, chopping at Doane’s lead stem with three or four shots in the opening minute. A short left hook knocks Doane to the mat; Brimage tries to pounce and winds up defending a takedown as Doane drives on a single-leg. The bantamweights stand, and Brimage kicks out Doane’s lead leg with another big shot. Doane eats another kick, and the Hawaiian is stepping gingerly on the leg as he shoots forward for a takedown. Brimage turtles up as Doane climbs on his back and establishes both hooks. This time, Brimage is able to roll and shake the hooks, then get back to his feet. With two minutes remaining, Brimage circles out. Doane chases after him and spends a minute working for another takedown, only to have Brimage roll him over and escape. Doane steps in with a knee to the body and gets tagged with a pair of hard counter hooks. Brimage finishes the round with one more leg kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brimage
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brimage
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brimage

Round 3

Brimage catches a high kick on the shoulder and rushes Doane to the ground, where the Hawaiian tries an omoplata. Brimage stands up as soon as he sees the submission attempt coming, and the “TUF” veteran goes back to kicking at Doane’s reddened legs. Doane throws a punch and gets spun to the ground as Brimage takes the leg out from under him. Brimage lets him up, lands a couple more kicks and shoots for a takedown. Doane threatens with a guillotine, so Brimage stands back up and circles out. Two minutes left now, and Doane sends a straight right down the center. Brimage circles the outside, stuffs a double-leg shot. Both men miss as they throw tired punches, then Doane comes through with a right cross. Brimage blocks a high kick, lands one to Doane’s leg, and that’s how it ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brimage (29-28 Brimage)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brimage (29-28 Brimage)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brimage (29-28 Brimage)

The Official Result

Russell Doane def. Marcus Brimage via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Uriah Hall vs. Thiago Santos

Round 1

Santos slaps Hall’s midsection with a spinning back kick, then lands a low kick which prompts referee Yves Lavigne to warn the Brazilian to “watch the cup.” Moving backward, Santos hits Hall with a couple hard low kicks, and Hall grazes with a spinning back fist. Hall sticks a jab as he continues to push forward on the counterstriking Santos, who circles away from the fence to land a loud inside leg kick. Hall counters over the top with a stiff right hand. Santos continues to attack the leg, and he stands up immediately after Hall catches one and trips him to the mat. Hall cracks Santos with a right straight that spins the Brazilian around. Santos eats another right hand to land a leg kick. Hall keeps coming, zapping Santos with a left hook, a right straight. Santos suddenly looks dazed as Hall walks straight at him with hands by his waist. Santos swings and misses with a huge overhand right, and Hall is still coming forward when the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hall
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hall
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hall

Round 2

Between rounds, the cageside doctor takes a look at the right foot of Hall, the middle toe of which is bent at an unnatural angle. Hall is allowed to fight on, however, and he does well to evade the strikes of Santos early on in round two. Santos whips a kick to Hall’s leg and follows through with a hard left hook. Hall pushes Santos away with a spinning back kick using his injured foot. Hall catches a kick and slugs Santos with a straight right. Santos falls to the base of the cage but Hall allows him to stand up again. Good head movement keeps Hall out of danger as Santos lunges forward with long punches, and he shoves “Marreta” to the side when the Brazilian tries a takedown. Santos clips Hall’s face with a spinning kick in the closing seconds, and Hall misses as he tries to retaliate with a “Rolling Thunder” kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hall
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hall
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hall

Round 3

Hall pushed Santos toward the fence with a front kick, then backs away and gets moved toward the other side of the cage by Santos’ kicks. Santos is still scoring to the body and legs of Hall, but his kicks have dropped off. Hall lands a thumping right hand on the end of a combination, gets pushed away by a spinning back kick to the body. Hall steps into the pocket with a straight right and moves Santos out of range with a push kick to the gut. Halfway through the final round, Santos counters a right hand from Hall with a heavy left hook to the American’s body. Santos hits Hall with a kick to the chest and a right hand behind it. Hall paws at him with jabs, and Santos responds with a leaping knee. Santos misses with the knee and follows through with his foot, which hits Hall on the cup. Hall takes a minute to recover, and the middleweights get back to business with just about one minute remaining. Santos clinches up immediately and shoves Hall against the fence, where he knees at Hall’s thighs from the rear waist lock position. Hall grabs a kimura and rolls to the ground, but Santos keeps top position and finishes the fight dropping punches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hall (30-27 Hall)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hall (30-27 Hall)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hall (30-27 Hall)

The Official Result

Uriah Hall def. Thiago Santos via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Matt Mitrione vs. Stefan Struve

This bout has been canceled. According to UFC medical consultant Dr. Jeffery Davidson, Struve suffered “heart palpitations” and “a near-fainting spell” in the locker room.

UFC Women's Bantamweight Championship:
Ronda Rousey vs. Alexis Davis

Round 1

Yves Lavigne is the referee for this 135-pound title bout. Rousey hits Davis with a jab and a straight right before tossing the challenger to the ground. With Davis’ head and arm trapped, Rousey unloads with six or seven heavy right hands that knock the Canadian senseless. Lavigne steps in to stop the fight, and the dazed Davis spends 10 seconds trying to take down the referee with a single-leg before she’s convinced to stop.

The Official Result

Ronda Rousey def. Alexis Davis via KO (Punches) R1 0:16

UFC Middleweight Championship:
Chris Weidman vs. Lyoto Machida

Round 1

Referee Herb Dean is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 185-pound championship main event, with judges Chris Lee, Marcos Rosales and Glenn Trowbridge scoring the bout. Weidman throws three leg kicks right off the bat and takes his position in the center of the Octagon, while southpaw Machida circles the outside. Ninety seconds in, Machida puts a kick on Weidman’s body, and the champion rushes him against the cage, looking for a takedown. Machida hits the ground for a split second, bounces back up and circles away. Weidman closes in on Machida near the fence and taps him with a right hand on the chin and follow-up left hook. Machida takes a few high kicks off the arms, times the next one from Weidman and hits the champ with a counter left. With 40 seconds left, Weidman catches another kick and looks for a single-leg, but Machida slips away.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Weidman
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Weidman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Weidman

Round 2

Weidman blocks a front kick to the gut, misses with a counter left hook as Machida slides backward. Machida evades a pair of right hands from the champion, but Weidman catches the challenger coming in with a short left hook. Machida clips Weidman with a left-handed counter to a low kick. The middleweights continually touch hands as they test the range near the fence, then they trade leg kicks. Machida lunges into the pocket with a short right hand, gets countered by a Weidman left on the temple. Machida sticks a straight left hand in Weidman’s gut, backs up and has a left high kick deflected. The Brazilian is feinting and twitching, trying to draw his man closer, and he decks Weidman with an overhand left when the opportunity arises. Weidman hits a takedown near the fence with about one minute left in the round. The champ lands five or six punches before Machida turns away. They stand up with Weidman still holding Machida’s head, and Weidman finishes the round with a pair of knees in the clinch.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Weidman
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Weidman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Weidman

Round 3

Weidman comes forward to put a jab on Machida, who responds with a pair of blocked high kicks on Weidman’s right side. “The Dragon” stuffs a takedown attempt from Weidman, but the champ hits the double-leg on his next attempt and winds up in Machida’s butterfly guard. Machida lands a couple good elbows from underneath before Weidman adjusts his position and buries his head in the challenger’s chest. An elbow strike from Weidman causes Machida to turn over, and Weidman tries to take back mount. Machida scrambles to his feet and avoids the back-take, but he eats a knee from Weidman on the way. Weidman closes in on Machida near the fence and slugs him with a left hand, chases him a bit and cuts the Brazilian open with a right hook. Machida is leaking blood from a cut between his eyes as he’s taken down to the base of the fence again. Machida gets to his knees, eats a couple short hammer fists and struggles back to his feet. Weidman immediately dumps him back to the ground and lands half a dozen right hands before allowing Machida to stand. Machida tries a left high kick at the horn, blocked by Weidman.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Weidman
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Weidman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Weidman

Round 4

Weidman opens the championship rounds the same way he started the fight, firing kicks at Machida’s legs. Machida circles to his right, and Weidman follows him to deliver a step-through knee to the gut. A loud kick slaps off Weidman’s body; he motions for Machida to come forward. Machida, predictably, continues moving backward, and Weidman gives chase to land a knee to the challenger’s body. Machida shuts down a double-leg attempt and circles off the cage. Machida lands a left hook that appears to momentarily hurt Weidman. Another left hand pops Weidman, and now it’s the champ moving backward. Machida rushes into range with a big right hand that moves Weidman toward the fence. Weidman ducks under a straight left and deflects a left high kick. Two minutes left in the round, and Machida plants a pair of slapping kicks on Weidman’s liver side. The left hand connects again for Machida, but now Weidman jabs him away. Machida puts a couple front kicks in Weidman’s breadbasket and sprawls beautifully on a high double attempt from the champ. Machida swarms forward in the final 20 seconds, catching a kick from Weidman just before the horn and drilling him with a straight left.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Machida
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Machida
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Machida

Round 5

The middleweights touch gloves to start the final round, and Machida knocks Weidman to the ground with a quick inside leg kick. Weidman pops back up. Machida takes a few seconds before rushing Weidman with fast hands up the center, but Weidman appears to deflect the shots. Weidman throws a slow high kick and is lucky to dodge Machida’s counter as he spins around. Machida scores with a left straight, snuffs out another takedown and leaves Weidman on the fence. Weidman pushes forward with a big left hand at the three-minute mark. Machida ducks under a left high kick but runs into Weidman’s right hand on the other side. They tie up and Weidman delivers a knee to the body, a left hook and an elbow the pocket. Machida presses forward now, and the momentum works against him as Weidman hits a takedown with 1:40 on the clock. Weidman moves from half guard to side control, then back mount as Machida rolls to his knees. With 50 seconds to go, Weidman gets shaken off; with 30 on the clock, Machida is back on his feet. Machida blitzes the champ with a pair of sizzling right hands, traps Weidman against the fence and delivers some big knees. Weidman withstands the punishment, and this one is headed to the judges’ scorecards.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Weidman (49-46 Weidman)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Machida (48-47 Weidman)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Weidman (49-46 Weidman)

The Official Result

Chris Weidman def. Lyoto Machida via Unanimous Decision (49-45, 49-46, 48-47) R5 5:00
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