

UFC 215 ‘Nunes vs. Shevchenko 2’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog.com's live coverage of UFC 215 “Nunes vs. Shevchenko 2” kicks off Saturday at 7 p.m. ET from the Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta.

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Kajan Johnson vs. Adriano Martins

Round 1

The southpaw Martins takes the center of the cage and follows Johnson as the Canadian cuts angles around the outside. Martins connects with a lunging right hand but can't find a home for the harder follow-up left hand. Johnson switches between stances a few times before landing in orthodox, but two minutes into the round, he's done little apart from landing a few low kicks. Martins fires off a couple leg kicks of his own, but now Johnson comes over the top with a counter right hand, followed by a kick to the body of the Brazilian. Suddenly, with seconds left in the round, Martins sends Johnson to the canvas with a counter left hand over the top. Martins pounces and tries to catch the wounded Johnson in a guillotine, but time expires before he can secure the choke.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martins
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Martins
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martins

Round 2

After another 20 seconds of following Johnson around the edge of the cage, Martins backs up to the center and motions for Johnson to come forward. Johnson obliges momentarily but soon moves to the outside again. Martins continues to land sporadic leg kicks and jabs, but neither lightweight is being terribly active through two minutes of the round. Johnson misses on a right high kick and eats a counter right hook on the other side. The offense in the latter half of the round consists mainly of low kicks from both men. Martins again calls for Johnson to come out to the center of the cage, but Johnson has no interest this time. Martins tries to chase down Johnson with an overhand left, but it bounces off the Canadian's shoulder. Johnson gets in his best punch of the fight with a heavy right hand in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Martins
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 3

The lightweights take up their familiar positions at the start of round three. This time, however, as Martins presses forward to close the distance, Johnson annihilates the Brazilian with a counter right hand behind the ear. Martins falls face-first to the ground, eyes open but unconscious, and referee John McCarthy rushes in to halt the bout.

The Official Result

Kajan Johnson def. Adriano Martins via KO (Punch) R3 0:49

Arjan Bhullar vs. Luis Henrique Oliveira

Round 1

After a slow opening minute to the bout, Henrique steps in and connects with an uppercut, while Bhullar lands a simultaneous right hook. Both men take a step backward after absorbing one another's hard shots, and the slow pace continues through minute two. Henrique connects with another uppercut and then denies Bhullar's first attempt to clinch. Henrique eats a left hand from Bhullar and tries to clinch up, but now the Canadian shoves "KLB" and leaves him kneeling on the mat. Henrique climbs back to his feet and is shoved against the fence by the smaller man. Bhullar seems content to ride out the final 30 seconds hugging Henrique against the wall. Henrique escapes with 10 seconds left and the heavyweights finish the round circling one another.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bhullar
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bhullar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bhullar

Round 2

The heavyweights get off to another tentative start, but a right hand to the temple from Bhullar changes things in a flash. Henrique hits the mat on his knees but recovers quickly enough to avoid being pounded out by the Canadian. Bhullar keeps his opponent pressed against the cage, then lifts and slams him to the canvas. Bhullar lands in side control, gets caught in Henrique's half guard, where he roughs up the Brazilian with elbows and shoulder strikes. Bhullar is in a dominant position with two minutes left in the round, and the bloodied Henrique appears to be fading on the bottom. Bhullar isn't very busy on top down the stretch, resting in Henrique's half guard and landing short, peppering punches to the body until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bhullar
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Bhullar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Bhullar

Round 3

Henrique tries to get something going early in the final round, landing hard kicks to Bhullar's body and legs. Bhullar has slowed down and isn't offering much in the way of offense, instead allowing Henrique to press the action. Henrique isn't particularly busy himself, but his right hands and leg kicks are undoubtedly winning him the round halfway through. Bhullar changes levels and rushes Henrique against the cage but can't keep him there. Back to the wall they go, Bhullar looking for a takedown this time, but again "KLB" breaks loose. Both big men are breathing heavy with 90 seconds on the clock. Henrique swings a big overhand right that misses by a mile, clinches up and lands a few shorter rights. Sloppy stuff down the stretch, both fighters swinging wildly, and this one will go to the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bhullar (30-27 Bhullar)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Henrique (29-27 Bhullar)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Henrique (29-27 Bhullar)

The Official Result

Arjan Bhullar def. Luis Henrique via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Mitch Clarke vs. Alex White

Round 1

Clarke fires a right high kick at the southpaw White, who swings back with a counter right hook that backs up the Canadian. Clarke scores with a few inside leg kicks before trying to go back upstairs and being blocked again. The lightweights clinch in the center of the cage, White landing uppercuts to the body and Clarke a few knees to the ribs. Clarke uses the Thai plum to land a knee up top, and now White pulls out of the clinch. Clarke throws the right high kick a few more times, and he seems to be coming closer with each attempt, but White is also ready with his right hook counters. A straight left from White snaps back the head of Clarke midway through the round. Clarke moves in to clinch and eats a pair of hard hooks from White before managing to tie up with the American. White breaks away, swinging more hooks at Clarke on the split. The fighters spend the final 20 seconds in the clinch, exchanging knees to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 White
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 White
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 White

Round 2

Clarke continues to press forward at the start of round two, but it's White landing the cleaner shots, cutting off the Canadian with quicker, more accurate punches. When Clarke tries to clinch, White overhooks his arms and leans forward to close the distance. Clarke tries to tie up again, but his underhook is used against him as White batters his face with short, standing elbows. A knee to the body sends Clarke to the floor; White wants him back on his feet. White begins teeing off with punches to the bloody face of Clarke, who wobbles backward but refuses to go down. Referee Jerin Valel is taking a close look, especially when a barrage of strikes sends Clarke to his back with 90 seconds on the clock. White tells Clarke to stand again, and Clarke resumes the fight with a double-leg shot. Clarke pushes White agains the fence, where White slams elbows behind the Canadian's ear. White escapes and starts pounding Clarke with punches again, a jab and then two powerful left hands. This time, when Clarke hits the deck, referee Valel only waits for a few more punches from White before calling a stop to the contest.

The Official Result

Alex White def. Mitch Clarke via TKO (Punches) R2 4:36

Rick Glenn vs. Gavin Tucker

Round 1

Tucker gets twisted around on his first strike of the fight, a spinning kick, and Glenn tries to catch the Canadian in a standing rear-naked choke. Tucker escapes and resets, now going a bit more conservative with left hands and low kicks from range. The taller Glenn controls the center of the cage as Tucker moves around the outside. Glenn uses good head movement to slip the power punches of Tucker, but now Tucker gets hold of "The Gladiator" and hustles him against the fence with a rear waistlock. Glenn digs an underhook and escapes the tie-up, and the featherweights are back to striking midway through the round. Tucker gets inside and slams Glenn with a close-range elbow; Glenn presses forward and responds with a leg kick that clips Tucker on the cup. Tucker needs only a few seconds to recover, and now he resumes circling the edge of the cage. Suddenly, Glenn finds Tucker's chin with a clean, straight left, and Tucker hits the canvas. Tucker jumps back to his feet and gets a knee to the body from Glenn, who hits the newcomer with a standing elbow. Tucker looks to be slowing down a bit toward the end of the round, while Glenn's long-range punches are landing with increased frequency.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Glenn
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Glenn
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Glenn

Round 2

Tucker comes out firing heavy punches in round two, but it's Glenn who lands a right high kick to the face of the Canadian. Tucker eats it and keeps throwing, so Glenn ties up and trips him to the floor. Tucker rolls for a leg on the bottom, but the rangy Glenn blocks the heel hook attempt and nearly takes the back of Tucker as he rolls over. Tucker scoots over to the fence and scrambles to his feet, where he's held against the fence by Glenn and hit with a knee to the body. Tucker escapes the clinch with a bloody nose, tries to press Glenn against the wall and gets reversed. Glenn spins to take the back and then busts Tucker back to the floor. Tucker stands up quickly, but now Glenn double-legs him down. Back up comes Tucker again, still unable to escape the clutches of Glenn, who is taking control of the fight here in round two. Tucker looks exhausted as he's taken down again; he tries another heel hook, but Glenn clears his leg and keeps hold of Tucker as the featherweights come back to their feet. Yet another takedown goes for Glenn, this time in the center of the cage. He punches Tucker from riding position, forcing Tucker to roll onto his back. Now it's Glenn on top, in Tucker's butterfly guard, going body-head on the Canadian with punches and elbows. The frantic pace slows in the final 30 seconds, but Glenn finishes the round on top, unloading with heavy elbows.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Glenn
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Glenn
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Glenn

Round 3

Glenn comes out with an uppercut, closes the distance and clinches with Tucker, pushing him against a cage post while throwing knees to the body. Tucker disengages, but not before absorbing an elbow to the side of the head. Glenn stuffs a weak shot from Tucker and forces him to the canvas. "The Gladiator" postures up high in Tucker's half-guard and staples his head to the floor with an elbow. Tucker briefly sweeps to top position, but Glenn throws up a heel hook attempt and uses the leg to sweep back on top. Glenn stands over Tucker now, unloading with punches, while referee Kyle Cardinal begins to take a close look. Tucker rolls to his knees and turtles up, and now Glenn has the finish in his sights. Body shots, head punches, positional control -- Glenn is completely dominating Tucker on the mat, and Tucker doesn't look to have anything left. Glenn's assault slows down with 90 seconds left, but with 60 seconds on the clock, he ramps it up again. Tucker is taking an awful beating here, but he somehow crawls to the fence and climbs back to his unsteady feet. Glenn is still picking him apart with punches and kicks when the final horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-7 Glenn (30-25 Glenn)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-7 Glenn (30-25 Glenn)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-7 Glenn (30-25 Glenn)

The Official Result

Rick Glenn def. Gavin Tucker via Unanimous Decision (30-24, 30-25, 29-27) R3 5:00

Ashlee Evans-Smith vs. Sarah Moras

Round 1

Evans-Smith secures an early takedown and sets up in the guard of Moras, who immediately begins shifting underneath, angling for a submission. Moras traps the left arm of American and tries to extend it, but Evans-Smith steps over her opponent's head to relieve the pressure on her arm. The bantamweights are up against the fence, making it difficult for Moras to get extension on the sub attempt. Evans-Smith stacks up, her arm still trapped, and now Moras has the space necessary to roll her over and extend the arm. Evans-Smith's arm bends in a gruesome way, forcing an immediate tap.

The Official Result

Sarah Moras def. Ashlee Evans-Smith via Submission (Armbar) R1 2:51

Sara McMann vs. Ketlen Vieira

Round 1

McMann swings a right hand at the body of Vieira, but it's only a cover for the wrestler to dive at Vieira and work for a takedown. Vieira stays standing, pressed against the cage by McMann with over-unders. One minute into the round, McMann completes the takedown and sets up in Vieira's closed guard. Vieira is looking to trap an arm, but McMann pulls herself free to slam the Brazilian with a heavy elbow to the face. More elbows fall on the grill of Vieira, who's still trying to creep up her guard to snare McMann in a submission attempt. The elbows of McMann have raised an enormous hematoma on the forehead of Vieira, but it's not stopping Vieira from hunting for a triangle. McMann ably defends the triangle setup and steps over to side control on Vieira's right side. McMann threatens with an arm-triangle choke, then releases and steps over to full mount. Vieira is dodging most of McMann's punches, and now she shrimps underneath to grab for a leg. Vieira finishes the round going for a kneebar, but McMann stays safe to see round two.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McMann
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 McMann
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McMann

Round 2

McMann tries to repeat her approach from round one, charging Vieira with her head down and using punches to set up a takedown. This time, Vieira is ready for it and plunks the wrestler with a right hand counter. McMann's next attempt yields a single-leg attempt against the fence, but Vieira defends well and drills the side of McMann's head with elbows and punches. McMann releases the leg in favor of holding Vieira against the wall; Vieira reverses to the outside, and now the bantamweights clinch in a neutral position on the fence. McMann digs an underhook and drives a hard knee into the body of Vieira. Suddenly, Vieira hits a trip takedown and comes down atop McMann in half guard. Now it's Vieira looking for an arm-triangle choke, and it looks like she may have it. McMann scoots her left side tight to the fence, but Vieira's squeeze from half guard is enough for force a tap from the American.

The Official Result

Ketlen Vieira def. Sara McMann via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R2 4:16

Gilbert Melendez vs. Jeremy Stephens

Round 1

Stephens opens with an inside leg kick but has to back up as Melendez swings a counter right hand over the top. It's Stephens pressing out from the center of the cage, now clipping Melendez with a left hook as "El Nino" circles out to the middle. Stephens continues to put heavy kicks on Melendez's lead leg through the middle of the round, nearly chopping down Melendez at one point. Melendez scores his best punch so far with a right straight, but seconds later, the former Strikeforce champion falls backward due to another kick on his left leg. Melendez climbs back to his feet, but his leg does not look good, a huge knot on his shin from Stephens' brutal, unchecked kicks. Stephens goes to the body with a kick, sticks a jab, now lands another leg kick, sending Melendez back to the ground. Stephens stands over him with 20 seconds left, then comes down to Melendez's guard just as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Stephens
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Stephens
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Stephens

Round 2

Melendez closes the distance quickly, backing Stephens up against the fence and preventing "Lil Heathen" from throwing low kicks. Stephens backs him off and throws a shot to the left leg, and this time it's checked by Melendez. A right hand from Stephens splits the guard of Melendez, who has to check another leg kick right behind it. Despite the injured leg, Melendez is finding some success with his jab as he continually gets inside on the backpedaling Stephens. Halfway through the round, another low kick floors Melendez again. Stephens allows him to stand, gives him another shot to the leg, then has a right high kick blocked by "El Nino." Melendez works from the southpaw stance now, shielding his damaged leg but reducing his punching effectiveness. Stephens scores with an uppercut, then drops Melendez once again with a low kick. Stephens follows Melendez to the floor but can't produce a finish in the final 10 seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Stephens
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Stephens
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Stephens

Round 3

Prior to the start of the final round, referee Jerin Valel tells Melendez that he needs to stay standing and defend himself. Melendez comes out aggressive, marching forward on Stephens, who scores with a body kick, an uppercut and a left hook to the jaw. Stephens has begun picking on Melendez's right leg now, chopping down the peg to which he has access as Melendez works from southpaw. Melendez eats a right hand, smiles and marches forward, straight into another right hand from Stephens. Another leg kick puts Melendez on the deck, but he rolls over and pops straight back to his feet before the referee can take any action. With 90 seconds left, Stephens remains firmly in control, tagging Melendez with jabs, kicks and knees, now mixing in some hooks to the body. Melendez takes an uppercut to the breadbasket as they enter the final minute of the bout. Stephens walks him down, backward toward the fence, and puts Melendez down with another shot to the left leg. Melendez gets up, falls again, and this time Stephens follows him down to the canvas for the last few seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Stephens (30-26 Stephens)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Stephens (30-26 Stephens)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Stephens (30-26 Stephens)

The Official Result

Jeremy Stephens def. Gilbert Melendez via Unanimous Decision (30-25, 30-26, 30-26) R3 5:00

Ilir Latifi vs. Tyson Pedro

Round 1

Latifi tries to catch an early low kick from Pedro, who yanks back the leg before the shorter man can start grappling. Pedro throws another low kick, and this time spins around to try and take the back of Latifi off the attempt to catch the kick. Latifi goes to his knees, stands up and escapes danger, now comes back to work a double-leg on the fence. Pedro can't resist the takedown, winding up on his back with Latifi in north-south position. Pedro tries to throw up a reverse triangle, dodges a brief choke attempt from Latifi and escapes to his feet. Pedro scores with a hard kick to the body midway through the round. The Australian sets up a front kick to the body, tries to come inside and gets timed perfectly by Latifi with a double-leg. It's Latifi on top once again, this time in side control near the center of the cage with 90 seconds on the clock. Pedro uses the same escape as the first time, and Latifi once again tries to catch the prospect's neck as they stand. Latifi works for another double on the fence, gets an elbow to the side of the head and switches to a single. Pedro threatens with a modified guillotine, forcing Latifi to bail from the position before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Latifi
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Latifi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Latifi

Round 2

After a slow opening minute to the round, Pedro sparks Latifi with a few hard kicks to the body. Latifi answers with a leg kick and a right hand, and the 205ers appear to clash heads as they step inside. Latifi scores with an uppercut, dodges a kick from Pedro and then rushes the unbeaten fighter against the fence for another double-leg attempt. Latifi switches to a single, lifts Pedro and dumps him on his head, then slips free of a brief triangle attempt from the Aussie. Latifi catches Pedro with a few hard left hands as they work back to their feet with one minute remaining. Latifi rides out the last minute of the round with grinding clinch work and short punches on the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Latifi
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Latifi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Latifi

Round 3

Pedro sticks a jab, lands a leg kick and backs up to avoid Latifi's flurry of counter punches. Latifi's left eye is showing damage from Pedro's punches, and now the Australian adds a kick to the midsection. Pedro is doing his most effective striking yet in the final round, but the volume just isn't there; Latifi appears content to stay on his back foot and look for counters. Halfway through the final frame, Latifi dives for a double-leg and slams Pedro to the floor. Pedro looks lost on his back, and Latifi keeps heavy top pressure to ensure that the fight stays on the mat to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Latifi (30-27 Latifi)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Latifi (30-27 Latifi)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Latifi (30-27 Latifi)

The Official Result

Ilir Latifi def. Tyson Pedro via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Henry Cejudo vs. Wilson Reis

Round 1

Cejudo takes the center of the cage and starts out in a wide, karate-style stance against the southpaw Reis. The wrestler's first strike is a hard kick to Reis' body, followed by a right hand. An inside leg kick and another right hand appear to sting Reis, who's having trouble getting inside on the longer fighter. Cejudo continues to score with his right hand through the center of the round, now digs a hard left hand to the body. Cejudo stuffs a shot and shoves Reis to the ground, lands a few punches and then stands up when Reis rolls through to guard. Reis eats a hard kick to the head, survives the ensuing assault but gets dropped with a heavy leg kick moments later. Cejudo tries to punch out his opponent but Reis stands strong as the final minute ticks down. Cejudo finishes the round with a single-leg takedown in the center of the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cejudo
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cejudo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Cejudo

Round 2

Reis comes out aggressive, looking to put punches on Cejudo, but the wrestler floors Reis with a straight right hand in the center of the cage. Reis hits the ground in a daze, and a few more punches from "The Messenger" are all it takes for referee Jerin Valel to intervene. Henry Cejudo collects his first UFC finish with a second-round stoppage of Wilson Reis.

The Official Result

Henry Cejudo def. Wilson Reis via TKO (Punches) R2 0:25

Rafael dos Anjos vs. Neil Magny

Round 1

The southpaw dos Anjos takes the center of the cage, fires a hard low kick and quickly chops the 6-foot-3 Magny to the ground. Magny uses a deep half guard to try and escape, while dos Anjos postures up and threatens to wrap up the American's neck. Dos Anjos releases the neck and starts dropping short elbows to the side of Magny's head. Magny keeps his arms wrapped around dos Anjos' chest, trying to keep tight and force a stand-up from referee Yves Lavigne. Dos Anjos frames up an arm-triangle choke, releases as he passes to side control on Magny's left side, then steps over to full mount. A series of heavy punches and elbows get Magny rolling onto his side, and "RDA" wastes no time in cinching up the arm-triangle choke this time. Magny tries to resist, but when dos Anjos steps off to the side and sinks his hips to the mat, Magny has no choice but to submit. Former UFC lightweight champ Rafael dos Anjos looks absolutely dominant as he taps Neil Magny for his second win at 170 pounds.

The Official Result

Rafael dos Anjos def. Neil Magny via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R1 3:43

UFC Women's Bantamweight Championship:
Amanda Nunes vs. Valentina Shevchenko

Round 1

Veteran official John McCarthy is the referee for tonight's 135-pound championship main event. The fighters get off to a measured start, as Nunes works from the center, slowly working her way outward toward the challenger with leg kicks and long, range-finding punches. Shevchenko is scoring with low kicks, too, but appears wary of rushing into the pocket as Nunes begins to throw heavier right hands. Nunes continues to move Shevchenko around the outside with leg kicks. Neither woman seems in a hurry to engage, with a possible 25-minute bout in front of them. Nunes starts to close the distance and Shevchenko tries to fire a right hand down the middle. Shevchenko catches a leg and looks for a trip takedown, but Nunes keeps her balance and slugs "Bullet" with a right hand before yanking the leg free.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nunes
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Nunes
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nunes

Round 2

Referee McCarthy gives Nunes a verbal warning early in the round for leaving the finger outstretched on her lead hand. Nunes takes the center of the cage and again begins working her way toward Shevchenko on the outside, this time closing the gap a little faster. Nunes comes down the center with a right hand, gets wrapped up by Shevchenko but pushes her way free with a two-handed shove to the face. Shevchenko tries to tie up and trip the champion; Nunes keeps her balance but eats a right hand on the way out of the clinch. It's a sluggish pace down the stretch in round two: Shevchenko is backing up around the outside, ever waiting to counter, while Nunes is giving her precious little to counter. Nunes tries to mount an attack in the closing seconds and gets a cracking right hand from Shevchenko for her effort.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko

Round 3

The bantamweights open the third round with another slow-paced minute, Nunes in the center and Shevchenko on the outside. Shevchenko attacks with a pair of punches and a low kick, answered by Nunes with a low kick of her own. The southpaw challenger comes down the middle with a hard left, but Nunes hardly registers the shot before stepping forward again. Nunes comes over the top with a right but leaves her head down and eats a right hook counter from Shevchenko before exiting the pocket. Leg and front kicks from Shevchenko seem to be the most effective strikes in the latter half, though Nunes is scoring with kicks of her own. In the final minute of the round, referee McCarthy gives Nunes a stern warning for leaving her fingers open while striking.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko

Round 4

Nunes catches Shevchenko coming off the fence with a counter right hook, then goes back to leg kicks when "Bullet" resumes her circling. Shevchenko steps into the pocket and zaps Nunes with a left hook before quickly backing out. Shevchenko throws a low kick, caught by Nunes, then released as the Kyrgyz native scores with a straight left. Two minutes left in the first championship round, and Nunes continues to work Shevchenko around the edge of the cage. Nunes' offense has dissipated, however, while Shevchenko's output has only increased. Shevchenko surges off the fence with a Superman punch, then backs up again and goes back to circling to her left.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Shevchenko

Round 5

Nunes opens the round with a hard right hand, answered by Shevchenko by a two-piece combination. The 135ers finally meet in the center of the cage, where Nunes changes levels and runs Shevchenko against the wall with a double-leg attempt. Nunes gives up on the shot with 2:20 on the clock, and the fighters take up their familiar positions. Shevchenko botches a head-and-arm throw and winds up with Nunes on her back and 90 seconds on the clock. Nunes doesn't have her hooks in, though, and now she loses the position as Shevchenko works back to her feet. Nunes hits another takedown with 50 seconds left, eats a couple right hands from Shevchenko on the bottom, but flattens out the challenger in guard to ride out the final moments of the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nunes (48-47 Shevchenko)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Nunes (48-47 Shevchenko)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nunes (48-47 Shevchenko)

The Official Result

Amanda Nunes def. Valentina Shevchenko via Split Decision (48-47, 48-47, 47-48) R5 5:00
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